The 4-1-1 on Comp Cards
Over the past year, I've had so many parents ask me questions about how to get their children involved with modeling, which can be especially overwhelming when you have literally NO idea where to even begin. I love all the children that I have the privilege of working with and I'd love nothing more than to help them blossom and succeed - so, I made the decision to put together a session option for just that purpose: The Comp Card Session. At this point, you're probably thinking, "Lexi, what in the world is a 'comp card,' and how will it help my child?"
A comp card can be referred to by many names, which could be a little confusing: comp card, composite card, zed card, z card, sed card (holy cow, industry, make up your minds!). It is essentially a large business card, typically sized to 5.5x8.5 inches, with a head shot on the front and a mini-portfolio of 2-4 images that display ability and variety on the back, along with important stats and contact information. Especially for children, the comp card should showcase a mix of action and still images, as well as varying crops (i.e. a full-length image, a half-length image, a close-up image).
While some opportunities may allow for digital submission, you will want to have a printed comp card for most in-person castings and auditions. This is your leave-behind that they can use for reference when making decisions, so it's important that both the images and printing are high-quality and stand out from the rest. A lot of bigger modeling agencies won't meet with you until you have a comp card, because it is what they will use to promote and market you.
Because children grow and change so quickly, it’s important that the comp card be updated as needed. You may only need to update the images once every few years, but remember that the stats on the card need to be accurate and current, especially after a big growth spurt.
I'm very excited to offer these and to help many of your children make the leap into the modeling industry. You can learn more about the POSE PGH Comp Card Session HERE and contact me HERE to book your own.